Amazing English 1 Grammar

43.00 lei
Publisher: Hamilton House Publishers
ISBN: 9789963635832
Authors: Angela Carlton, Jennifer Heath
SKU: 1756214e0273 Category: Tags: ,
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Amazing English Grammar is a new four-level series of beautifully illustrated grammar reference and practice books, taking students from Senior A to Senior D class. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year. Thanks to its thoroughly researched syllabus, Amazing English Grammar can be used alongside any Senior A-D course. Amazing English Grammar contains:

  • an introductory unit containing two lessons, and six main units containing five lessons.
  • amusing grammar presentations featuring The Amazing Kids: Rocky, Dash, Feather and Cat.
  • clear, simple grammar theory.
  • a wide variety of practice exercises.
  • speaking tasks to encourage students to use the grammar productively in contextualised situations.
  • regular reviews consolidating the grammar learnt in the preceding two units.
  • writing tasks to allow students to use the grammar productively in contextualised situations.
  • a list of irregular verbs.

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Hamilton House Publishers



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