Collins Work on Your Phrasal Verbs B1-C2

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74.00 lei

Publisher: Collins

ISBN 9780008468989

Authors: Jamie Flockhart, Cheryl Pelteret, Julie Moore

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Collins Work on Your Idioms B1-C2

74.00 lei
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156.00 lei
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Collins Work on your Phrasal Verbs is a new practice book for learners who want to increase the number of phrasal verbs they know and be confident in using them. Each unit presents students with a selection of phrasal verbs and clear examples of when and how to use them. This is followed by practice exercises to ensure the learner will be able to remember and use what they have learnt in their written and spoken English.

Collins Work on your Phrasal Verbs features the 400 most commonly used phrasal verbs, which have been carefully selected based on Collins Corpus research. It provides plenty of useful practice with authentic, up-to-date examples of usage in context, and is ideal for use alongside a phrasal verbs dictionary such as the Collins COBUILD Phrasal Verbs Dictionary.

  • Focuses on the 400 most commonly used phrasal verbs
  • Twenty five 4-page units with clear presentation followed by practice exercises, which focus on showing students how and when to use the phrasal verbs they learn
  • Helpful study tips on learning and remembering phrasal verbs
  • Contains an index for easy reference
  • Includes the answer key, making it ideal for self-study
  • Suitable for CEF level B1-C2
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Collins, Collins International



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