Fun with Little Fizz Pre-Primary Pupil’s Book

46.00 lei

Publisher: Hamilton House

ISBN: 9789925316465
CEFR Level: Pre-A1

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Fun with Little Fizz provides pupils with a carefully graded introduction to English which develops their vocabulary and teaches the alphabet through fun stories, clear and user-friendly lesson organisation and ample practice and revision.

Fun with Little Fizz features:

  • clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
  • essential vocabulary and key language required at pre-primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
  • a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, letter writing and passive reading skills.
  • stickers, songs and chants to maintain a high level of motivation.
  • regular revision sections
  • a cartoon story after every review to entertain pupils and revise vocabulary and language from the lessons.
  • fun games, crafts and rhymes

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Hamilton House Publishers



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