Hi Kids! 1 – Teacher’s Resource Pack

Brand :
393.00 lei

Publisher: MM Publications

ISBN: 9786180501513

Authors: H.Q. Mitchell & Marileni Malkogianni

495.00 lei
Pentru 4 element(e)

Hi Kids!

Designed for very young learners, the Hi Kids! course, which consists of three books, is sure to thrill and delight children. Its aim is to make learning and teaching English as fun and as easy as possible. Students acquire the English language naturally the same way that native speakers do – by listening and speaking first, before they learn to read and write.

The Teacher’s Resource Pack includes: flashcards, posters, Fluffy the puppet, Teacher’s book, Class audio CDs, Alphabet Audio CD/CD-ROM with Teacher’s Notes.

Course features:

  • Units which include songs, stories, games, listening activities as well as a wide range of hands-on activities
  • Alphabet / phonics section
  • Revision units to recycle and consolidate through various activities which promote students’ autonomous learning
  • Activities promoting critical thinking skills
  • Cross-curricular topics

Sample pages catalogue here: Hi-Kids_Leaflet_Low.pdf (mmpublications.com)


MM Publications


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