Prepare for the B2 First (FCE) Reading and Use of English
The Reading and Use of English paper, Parts 1–7, of the Cambridge B2 First exam is worth 40% of the total marks available, which is why candidates’ competence in this section is all-important for overall success. Parts 5–7 test ability in reading for detail, purpose, opinion, tone, emotion and attitude, and repeated practice of the assessment format is key to achieving a passing grade.
24 texts and 180 individual assessments
This edition of sample tests has been written to closely replicate the Cambridge exam experience, and has undergone comprehensive review.
Answers included
Write-in answer sheets, answer keys and a markscheme complete this large bank of high-quality practice material for students preparing for the Cambridge B2 First.
About the author
Monica Ruda-Peachey is a DELTA-qualified ELT writer, teacher and Trinity TESOL teacher-trainer. She has prepared many Cambridge candidates for their exams, and her articles have been published by popular ELT journals, English Teaching Professional and IATEFL Voices.
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