Cambridge YLE Practice Tests Flyers – Self-Study Pack (with CD and answers)

70.00 lei

Publisher: Hamilton House Publishers

ISBN: 9789925312405

Author: Dawn Watson

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Cambridge Starters, Movers & Flyers Practice Tests have been designed to familiarise young learners with the exact format of the revised 2018 examinations as well as to expand their vocabulary and to improve the skills required to do well in these examinations.

Key Features of Cambridge YLE Flyers: 

  • five complete practice tests for the updated Cambridge English: Young Learners Flyers test.
  • consolidation exercises after every test to ensure students practise vocabulary which frequently appears in the test.
  • full introduction for students and parents which includes detailed information about the test and advice on how to prepare for the test.
  • A-Z Word List which includes all the vocabulary students must be familiar with to do well in the test.
  • clear audio providing listening practice.
  • free access to one complete online practice test.
  • audio CD providing listening practice with authentic British accents
  • answer key



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