The Hamilton Skills Builder 1 – Teacher’s Book

35.00 lei
Publisher: Hamilton House Publishers
ISBN: 9789925311798
Authors: Dawn Watson
CEFR Level: Pre-A1, A1

The Hamilton Skills Builder is a new four-level skills series specially researched and written for students studying English at levels A! to B1 of the CEFR. Each book in the series consists of 12 carefully-designed theme-based units that develop student’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

The Hamilton Skills Builder may be used with any course of a similar level, or independently.

The Hamilton Skills Builder 1 Teacher’s Book is a complete step-by-step guide  for teachers on how to make the best use of the material in the Student’s Book. The Hamilton Skills Builder 1 Teacher’s Book contains:

  • a unit plan box at the beginning of each unit summarising the contents of the unit.
  • a lead-in section in every unit which provides an introduction to each unit.
  • detailed instructions for all tasks.
  • the keys to all tasks.
  • detailed instructions for all DO IT RIGHT! features.
  • extra comprehension questions for each of the reading texts.
  • the recording script for all listening tasks. The words in the recording script which provide the correct answers to the listening tasks are underlined for easy reference and for teaching purposes.
  • detailed instructions and the recording script for all JUST SAY IT! pronunciation features.

Additional materials that can be ordered separately: The Hamilton Skills Builder 1 Student’s Book, The Hamilton Skills Builder 1 Student’s Book with key, The Hamilton Skills Builder 1 Audio CDs, The Hamilton Skills Builder 1 Interactive Whiteboard Software.


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Hamilton House Publishers



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