The Hamilton Skills Builder 4 – Student’s Book (without answers)

51.00 lei
Publisher: Hamilton House Publishers
ISBN: 9789925314416
Authors: Dawn Watson, Jane Luke
CEFR Level: A2+, B1

Browse here: Skills Builder 4 Contents and Unit 1 (


The Hamilton Skills Builder is a new four-level skills series specially researched and written for students studying English at levels A! to B1 of the CEFR. Each book in the series consists of 12 carefully-designed theme-based units that develop student’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

The Hamilton Skills Builder may be used with any course of a similar level, or independently.

The Hamilton Skills Builder 4 Student’s Book

Key features of The Hamilton Skills Builder 4 Student’s Book:

  • a variety of reading texts with level-appropriate task types that ensure students learn to read for different purposes
  • pre-listening and pre-writing tasks that introduce useful theme-based vocabulary
  • a variety of listening and speaking tasks, including tasks that appear in the Cambridge English: B1 Preliminary for Schools exam
  • a step-by-step approach to writing, including model compositions, writing plans and guided writing tasks
  • a JUST SAY IT! feature in each unit that focuses on one aspect of English pronunciation that students often have difficulty with
  • DO IT RIGHT! features in reading, writing, listening and speaking sections that clarify the focus of the skill being practised, or give students useful tips on correct English usage



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Hamilton House Publishers



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