Grammar Genius 1: Student’s book with interactive CD-ROM

47.00 lei

Publisher: Hamilton House Publishers

ISBN: 9789963687886

Author: Zandra Daniels

Grammar Genius is a series of beautifully illustrated grammar reference and practice books, taking students from Beginner to Intermediate level. Students are slowly introduced to FCE and ECCE-style tasks throughout the course. Thanks to its thoroughly-researched syllabus, it can be used alongside any course book.

Join the young inventor Eugenius, his robot Dax and his friends in Grammar Genius 1-3 and have fun discovering English grammar and structure! Grammar is presented in a fun cartoon strip which is followed by grammar tables and rules.

The carefully selected vocabulary syllabus will ensure your students won’t meet any new words, no matter what course book they are using.

Grammar Genius 1-3 contains:

• grammar presented through cartoon strips in simple, amusing contexts that motivate young learners.
• grammar structures taught in short, learner-friendly steps.
• detailed, clear and easy-to-follow reference sections.
• a wide variety of carefully graded practice exercises.
• writing and speaking tasks at the end of each unit.
• special ‘be a genius’ boxes with helpful tips.
• regular revision units.
• a unit-by-unit wordlist at the back of the book.
• spelling rules and a list of irregular verbs at the back of the book.
• an extra interactive CD-ROM with additional practice exercises.
• a separate Test Booklet to help teachers assess students’ progress.
• interactive whiteboard software.


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Hamilton House Publishers



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